Monday, 27 December 2010

Saturday, 25 December 2010

Wishing you all...

... a very Happy Christmas

And see you on Monday for our next weigh in! (And this week I will weigh. I will. I will!)

Monday, 20 December 2010

oh goodness

Monday's here again.
Oh dear, I am so out of my 'weigh on a Monday morning' routine. Anyone else weigh? I will try to remember for tomorrow morning.

Monday, 13 December 2010

Monday weigh-in

Good Monday all!

It seems like the site is starting to slow a bit again. I know this is a busy time of year, but I am going to try to remember to post, even through the holidays. Don't feel obligated to respond, if you don't have time. I just need to accountability of the blog to stay on track.

My numbers today are 153/153/125/ No change.

That is actually a good thing for me. I have been to a couple of Christmas parties over the past few days and there was LOTS of "off-limits" foods. I managed to stay on track anyway! Now, that's a big deal. Anyway, happy Monday to you all.

Saturday, 11 December 2010


So, it looks like I was not the only one to miss Monday's weigh-in. I've been traveling for work and did not have a scale. However, I officially started back on phase one of South Beach yesterday. Not sure if I will go for the full two weeks before starting phase two, but we will see. Hope you all are well. I have a post I would like to get out soon. It's been a really tough year. Major life happenings. For some reason, I've been unable to get the words out. Soon.