Saturday, 11 December 2010


So, it looks like I was not the only one to miss Monday's weigh-in. I've been traveling for work and did not have a scale. However, I officially started back on phase one of South Beach yesterday. Not sure if I will go for the full two weeks before starting phase two, but we will see. Hope you all are well. I have a post I would like to get out soon. It's been a really tough year. Major life happenings. For some reason, I've been unable to get the words out. Soon.


Debs said...

I was feeling too depressed to post this week. I was up again. I just seem to be hungry all the time. And my monthly cycle is out of wack too - more like two weekly! And that gives me chocolate cravings....
Anyway... um, still trying

ChristyF said...
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ChristyF said...

Debs- I have that great recipe book with lots of south beach dessert recipes. I will share some with you soon. Maybe it will help. You could always go back and use the black bean brownie recipe that I posted months ago. They are good and CHOCOLATE! There is so much fiber; you almost don't feel guilty about eating the whole pan. ;) Yes, I have eaten the whole

Debs said...

Christy, I'd forgotten about those. I really do want to try them. Think i need to buy the beans again though cos they've been used for other things!