Friday, 20 March 2009

My Personal 8-Week Challenge

A year ago I weighed roughly 177 pounds. I weighed in this morning at 198. Yep. I started this journey over two years ago at 233, dropped down to 177, and then shot back up to 198. I'm happy I haven't eclipsed 200, but the increase has been buggin'.

I decided to do a personal challenge for 8 weeks. I'm going to try my darndest to get down to the 170s again by May 14. If I lose at least 2 pounds a week I can get close, and that's sort of my realistic goal, to get to the low 180s by May 14.

Here I go!


Cristina said...

Yeah! Good to have you back on board! 8 can do it!

Debs said...

yay bird!

My 8 week challenge includes getting married, moving house, having a few baby related doctors appointments (a scan and a meet with the midwife) and probably a few other things.
I don't think I'm going to be losing weight (although with a marriage soon, and lots still to plan, maybe I will be!)

Eric Guel said...

Thanks, gals.

Anonymous said...

well done Bird for going publis on this and we'll be rooting for you.

Anonymous said...

sorry can't spell or proof read apparently. Word I wanted was public.

Anonymous said...

Great plan. Its realistic yet a complete chanllenge. How are you holding up?

Cristina said...

Bird, how goes it?

Eric Guel said...

I'll be checking in with weigh-ins every Thursday morning until the challenge is over. Stay tuned!

Elly said...

where are you Bird?