Sunday, 17 May 2009

Who's weighing in this week?

It's almost Monday, so I'm posting a weigh-in post.
I'm once again not weighing in (well I don't currently have any scales, for one thing, because I left them with Elly when I got married!). But I will be trying to keep accountable with y'all about eating well and exercising.
My exciting news for this week is that I have a scan today (Monday). It's the 20 week scan where they check everything is going according to plan with the baby's growth, and also the one where we choose not to find out the sex of our baby because we want a surprise!


Elly said...

166.4 aiming for 164
Down 1
Need more exercise but eating going ok.

Pig wot flies said...

198. Up 2. :(

I am trying to change my eating habits, honest. I just didn't really start until Thursday and it's not reflected in my weight yet.

nikki said...

I am also up 2! I did exercise some but not as much as I should have. I was pretty bad about food, so here we go again. I am going to lose 3 lbs this week! I must lose 11 before June 11! That is my mini goal. It was 16, but that isn't happening now that we are so close. 11 would be a great start.

Hang in there Pig Wot. You totally can do this!

Cristina said...

Down 2lbs

The scale was going back and forth this morning between 179 and
179.6, so I chose to take the lower of the weights and make it more challenging when it's time to report next week.

I have met my STG...yeah! I FINALLY made it to the 170's. My next STG will be 170. I believe this is where I was at 5 years ago right before I got pregnant. So, I'm determined to get where I was at then and then decide where to go from there. :-)

ChristyF said...

No change again for me. I was down 2 last Thursday, but lots of birthday celebrating over the weekend and now I'm paying. Back on phase 1 again today.

Congrats on the scan Debs..very exciting and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!(Saw it on facebook)

Elly said...

Celebrating with you Cristina on making the 170's. That's a real achievement. Keep up the good work.
Nikki, Christy and Bekki you can do it. Don't despair. And remember each day is a new start.

Cristina said...

Elly, you're doing great. You're almost back to where you'd like to be. You're doing great!

Bekki, Nikki and Christy F...stay focused on your goal! You can do it. If you really want it, you can do it, you just have to make up your mind and follow through.

Here's a quote from Henry Ford...
"Think you can or think you can't. Either way, you will be right!"

Ladies...this week and every week...THINK YOU CAN!

nikki said...

Thanks for all the encouragement!