Thursday, 22 January 2009


Just off to my treadmill. Yay!
What do you have planned for today? How's your week going? Check-in and tell us!


Debs said...

Only did 20 minutes today. I have a blister coming on that back of my heel and it was hurting. I need to think about socks/plaster (band-aid) and maybe get some new trainers (sneakers).
The lining at the back of that one is wearing through, and i think causing it to bunch and rub.

Anonymous said...

I am doing ok. Not great yesterday, but not terrible either. I didn't weigh in today, but as of yesterday I had lost 2 pounds doing weight watchers this week! I really need to find a way to fit in exercise. I actually want to do it sometimes, but my husband gets home right before dark and our treadmill broke. I will just have to stop making excuses and just do it one of these days!!!

I am enjoying the flexibility of this plan. I LOVE south beach but my body got too used to it I think. Thanks for asking Debs.

Cristina said...

Debs, that's awesome that you got on the treadmill. 20 minutes is better than no minutes.
Nikki, that's great that the scale is moving again...I guess you're body just needed something different. Maybe you can try doing some abs and push ups at home.
My week is going to be lots better...last night was aweful...I thought I lost my wedding ring. Finally found it but it was a stressful evening.
Tonight I will be getting ready for a weekend away with the girlfriends to scrapbook. :) Yeah! I'm so looking forward to it, I hope I get lots done. Leaving work at noon on Friday and heading to a friends lake house for some scrapbooking.

Anonymous said...

For me, I could only kick out 10 minutes on the stationary bike...but that was something at least! I've also been MUCH better about what I'm eating these that's cool. I found these green tea packets at, that I've been putting in my bag and adding to a bottle of water at work....

They've been totally keeping me away from that dreaded candy dish!

Anonymous said...

Push ups???!!!! I can not even come close to doing 1/2 of 1 push up!!! Not gonna happen! Am I the oly one who can't do a push up??? That is just sad!

Cristina said...'re too funny Nikki. I have a hard time doing real push ups, on the toes...but I can do a couple on my knees. :)

Anonymous said...

I don't do push ups Nikki.
I went swimming today, first time for 5 weeks (Christmas and then I was ill and last week too busy. Wasn't sure if I would do my usual half mile as my muscles still ache from coughing although not so much now. However I did it and it wasn't too slow so hopefully I will go every week now.
And I have my new car. Picked it up yesterday. Its a green Ford Focus and its new as in new to me,actually about 7 years old.
I am happy.

ChristyF said...

Great jobs Debs! Something is better than nothing.

Nikki are you doing Core or Flex with WW? I am curious because I have had success witht the flex plan in the past. I think my body is so accustomed to SB that I am having the same problem. Maybe my issues are not what I'm eating but more so the portion sizes. I have been working out a lot lately...weights and cardio and the scales really are not moving. I do feel better now that my workout routine is consistent, so that helps anyway. all are just awesome. :-)

Cristina said...

Elly, how fun, a new car!