Saturday, 6 September 2008

General layout questions..

What order would you like to see the stuff on the sidebar appear?
Which things would you say would be useful to have near the top, what could go lower down. Do we want the list of 'contributers' on the siderbar? It's good to see, but I think it'll be pretty long, would just having the blog links be enough? I plan to have a 'meet the team' page (or however it is you do that on blogger!), so do we need the list of names, or just a link to the team page?
Talk to me people.. pretty please.
(I'm going with time zone as being GMT, so I hope that's not too confusing..!)


Eric Guel said...

I tend to think the blogroll is enough. But if we want to do a list of contributors we could do it at the bottom.

Anonymous said...

I lean towards a blogroll being enough. I'm not sure how to have a seperate page with blogger BUT we could have a "Meet the team category" and then put all of our intros there.

Cristina said...

I think blogroll is good too. Actually, what's the diff between blogroll and contributors?

Anonymous said...

Christina, I think the difference would be that not everyone who contributes has a blog. I would think though that if we had a meet the team section then everyone who contributes would be in that section

Debbie said...

I'm with everyone saying having the blogroll will be enough.

Is there anyone in our midsts that can make a flashy banner like we had on the old site? of course it doesn't have to be the same one, esp since this is a new beginning, but it'll be nice to have something set the mood. something that'll make the site different from all the other blogger blogs.

And as far as a "meet the team page," couldn't we just make it a regular post and then add a link to the individual post on the sidebar?

Anonymous said...

Boo, that's what I was getting at for "meet the team". Just a regular post, the one that we are all supposed to write up about ourselves and then we can all label our post "meet the team" and then we'll have the label on the sidebar. As for flashy banner? I have spent HOURS cruising the net over the last couple of weeks (actually since before Debs left) looking for free images or templates. I don't know how to create banners. I haven't found that one that seems to stand out. I do have one that I can put up here if Debs doesn't mind and then we can see what the general consensus is.

Debbie said...

Gotcha, Tami!

I was thinking that we have one post written up with everyone's info, like we had on the other site. And then we add a link on the top of the sidebar that'll take people to the post where they can read all about us in one place. So it will be more of a blurb about each person rather than several long posts about everyone. Does that make sense?

Anonymous said...

Yeppers! Sounds great to me. I'll get a post written up about it early this week. I'll take this one off of Debs plate and just have everyone email me little tidbits about goal, game plan and so on and then work on a link at the top of the page. How does that sound to you?

Debbie said...

Sounds great! Thanks for doing this Tami! I'm sure Debs appreciates the help, too.

Anonymous said...

Tami, - You'll have to spell it out to me, what you want me to do, when and how!!

Anonymous said...

OOps, just to show how useless I am at it, ... the post above was me. (Why does it sometimes know who I am, and sometimes not?)

Cristina said...

How do I get on the blogroll? I signed and to try to add myself but I don't think I have access to that.

Debbie said...

I've just added you, Christina.

Are there any other team members that have a blog that needs to be added to the blogroll? Just leave a comment here.

Cristina said...

Thank you Debbie Boo...just one minor H in my name...just Cristina. :)

Debbie said...

Oops! Sorry about that! I fixed it.

Cristina said...

Thank you! :)

Missy said...

Debbie, can you add me to the blogroll, please?

Debbie said...

No prob, Missy.
Nice to see ya!