Thursday, 25 September 2008

What's the weigh?

Okay, so here we have it. Our first mid-week weigh in. This is purely optional. I'm doing it because I need the accountability. I was down yesterday from Monday but after my 2 small pieces of pizza I'm up to 194.6. I am so determined to see something lighter on Monday.
We can do this you guys! Let's really lean on God and the friendship of each other.


Debs said...

Oh no!
After requesting it to be today, i totally forgot to weigh myself this morning.
It's one of those days. I'm still in my pyjamas and it's after 4pm! (I'm just enjoying that I don't have to go anywhere!)

Debs said...

I'm also a little bit scard what the number will be. I'll weigh tomorrow and let you know!

Cristina said...

I'm jealous! I want to be in pj's too!

I weighed in at 190...back to where I was at...I think. :)

It's going to be tough to loose/maintain...I'm heading out Friday afternoon for a weekend away by the lake scrapbooking with friends. I'll try my hardest to stay away from munchies plus I'll take healthy stuff.

Cristina said...

Oh Tami...I bet it's that pizza. I too had pizza on Monday and was up on Tuesday but now I'm back down. Just stay on track and you'll get back down.

ChristyF said...

141 today...midday.

Anonymous said...

I did manage a "salad" for lunch. Actually, I sauteed celery, onions, green and red cabbage and had that for lunch. Unfortunately I've been snacking on cookies. There's the ugly truth. I have cookies in the house and I'm munching on them. Grrr....I've been tempted to throw them in the outside garbage but I think we're going camping this weekend so I'd take them along for the kids. ultimately I know that the cookies aren't the problem. I'm the one allowing them to be the problem. I must take control of this temptation myself. Throwing temptation away has become too easy for me and it obviously isn't doing the trick.

Debbie said...

I had a nice salad for lunch before going into work. Then at the shelter I had some leftover lassagna. Working late shifts at the shelter is good for me because when I eat their not-so-healthy food, it's portioned. Plus, I'm busy working and hanging out with residents, so I don't have the opportunity to snack. When I get home the most I'll have is a cup of tea and maybe a buscuit (the British kind). And to show you how good I am with not overindulging with the buscuits, I have six left out of the tube that my friend Jez bought me the night I arrived (last Friday). So they've lasted nearly a week! That's good for me!

Debbie said...

Crud! I put that in the wrong post.

I'll add, since I'm on the right post, that I weighed this morning and I was straight on the 16 stone mark, which I'm almost positive is less than Monday. So just in case I don't manage to get a scale this weekend, I'll have to remember that 16 stone mark for next Monday...

Debs said...

Friday - 208.8.
Which is up 2 on Monday.
Oh dear!

Anonymous said...

friday... 165.5 up 1.2 or something like that.