Saturday, 27 September 2008

There are...

just over 12 weeks until Christmas.
I'm thinking about some sort of challenge. Any ideas let me know, and I'll get back to you all soon.
Things need shaking up a bit around here!


Anonymous said...

I've been thinking obsessively the last few days about a challenge to get us through the rest of this year. Something like, "Unwrap the new you". I was thinking something like old stuff. You know, points for #'s lost, maybe a point just for weighing in on Monday before midnight Tuesday morning. Little weekly mini challenges.

Anonymous said...

We could even pair up in teams or have a budy system?

Anonymous said...

that would be fasntastic... I'll be trying to think of something beacuse that might be a good way to get some motivation in my corner since the Holiday's are coming!

Debs said...

think on this y'all and i'll pull something together this week...

Debbie said...

Yeah, a challenge will be nice. Specifically, if it involves exercise.

I was personally thinking of doing the 100 push-up challenge again. I did really well with it but stopped around the beginning of week 5. I'd like to make push-ups a routine so I can shape my arms. Esp since I'll be wearing a bridesmaid dress again in March!

Cristina said...

Yes, I like challenges. I like the idea of a buddy challenge although it could be hard of someone doesn't have a buddy. I also like $$$/gift cards! I'm all for paying $$$ to join the challenge. :)

Anonymous said...

I've given myself an exercise challenge over on Brandi's blog as a habit forming exercise. I deliberately aimed low enough that it wasn't too much to achieve - at least 20 mins a day 'serious' exercise. It has helped me make the effort when I haven't becessraily wanted to so I am all for challenges.