Wednesday, 24 September 2008

Wednesday shout out!

Hey all? How are you guys doing so far this week?
What's been or what do you think will be your biggest obstacle this week?
Mine? I'm supposed to meet my parents and nephew at an all you can eat pizza bar. Okay, first and foremost all you can eat and pizza...just wrong. Secondly, my parents and my relationship is very strained. So, this would lead to major stress eating BUT I am determined to only purchase the salad bar. No pizza or joes or bread or beans or chicken for this chick.

So, talk to me.
One last thing. For those that want to we will have an optionally weigh in on Friday. I know that for me I think it might help me to get through the weekend without blowing the progress of the week.


Debs said...

Tami, Tami, Tami,
you're just one step ahead of me ;)

I was thinking that i've been neglecting this blog, and was coming to post a check in, and here you are!
I have one request, can the optional weigh-in be Thursday rather than Friday?
You see, I know i tend to be weak on monday and tuesday (when i look after the kiddos) and if I had to weigh in on Thursday that's still half way through the week, but it might be a kick in the butt to be to behave on mon & tues!

My biggest obstacle this week - monday and tuesday looking after the kiddos, and I sucked big time!

Debs said...

here you are - that being a good thing, thanks :) (in case that wasn't clear in my tone of my last comment!)

Debbie said...

Been working lots, so don't have a scale yet. Therefore, whenever the optional weigh-in commences, I prob won't weigh. But I'll say hi!

The first few days of work have gone tremendously well. The guys in the shelter have accepted me far better than I ever expected. And I've quickly bonded with the few staff members I know/have met. There's actually at least 3 more I haven't met yet. Nights start next Tues, so I'll be rather tired then.

I've managed to keep my American accent intact. No English intonation has crept into it yet! In the past, I've noticed the influence w/in a week, so this may bode well...

I had a training all day today about resolving conflict, and I work Thurs & Fri evenings. Yay for the weekend off!

Been walking lots and watching that portion control. It gets tough at the nightshelter, but I'm doing better than in the past. We'll find out how much better once I manage to get my hands on an American speaking scale!

Debs said...

Boo, most scales (well digital ones) have the option to change between kg/stones&pounds/pounds.
I've got a Tanita one and it's pretty good.

Claudia said...

Finally have a chance to sit at the computer...didn't get to weigh in on Monday, but I did weigh myself that morning...was one down from the week before, which i can't complain about since i haven't been exercising like i used to....i've been so busy with work, the kids, bills, school projects, meetings, and keeping up with the housework that i need to sit down and figure out a new schedule for seems i have no time for me!!! i will post my intro later tonight (or tomorrow)...gotta go make dinner....hope all are well...only three days left till the!!!

Anonymous said...

Okay, so I had 2 small (literally) pieces of pizza and that was it. Nothing more, nothing less.

Pig wot flies said...

I didn't have a very good Wednesday. I was all stressed and grumpy and made the mistake of going food shopping while tired and hungry and grumpy and buying carby things to eat and chocolate. Not pretty.

Still, today is a new day.

ChristyF said...

Traveling Wednesday and tired Thursday. I think I may have a cold trying to start, so haven't gotten out walking yet this morning, but there is hope for later!

I do really like the idea of another weigh-in during the week.