Saturday, 13 September 2008


Can we make the home page on here to where it shows more posts? I think it's only showing seven right now. 

Also, I kind of figured my intro post counted as my email to Tami. :-)


Debs said...

I'll change that, bird.
I think she wanted a few stats, I can't remember what you said. If you can honestly read the post where she said what she wanted from us, and mentally tick off every one, then you're excused from writing the email ;)

Debs said...

Bird, Tami wants to know what your dream is...

Anonymous said...

Yeah Bird, what's your biggest, or craziest, or wildest dream that you hope to fulfill? Thanks for letting me know that you are using the post as an email to me. :-)

Eric Guel said...

Let me think about that ... ;-)