Monday, 27 October 2008

Tell me why.. I don't like Mondays

Hopefully your Monday will be better than mine. Actually, I don't think the day with be so bad, I'm just mad at myself for giving in to temptation and letting the diet go out of the window pretty much last week.
But today is a new day, a fresh start :)

How are you? Are you taking a fresh start, or continuing in a good groove? Where ever you are, go ahead and weigh in!


HP said...

You should talk to Jane my housemate. She always gets this song stuck in her head on mondays!!

Pig wot flies said...

185.6/184.8/180 (stg)

Down 0.6 since last Thursday. Slowly inching downwards!

Missy said...

No change this week. I got overbooked and failed to plan. I did eat fairly reasonable, just no plan.

Well, I didn't GET overbooked - I did it too myself. :) I'm gonna pay closer attention to my obligations when I am asked to do more.

Fresh starts, all around!

Anonymous said...

up 1

Anonymous said...

up 1

Cristina said...

up 1; 189

Brandi said...

Hey Everyone!

Jessica said...

198.5--down 1.

Debs said...

Up i don't know how much, but too much. Ick.


ChristyF said...

No change.

ChristyF said...

No change.

Eric Guel said...

183 -- Down 1/2. Better than nothing I guess. ;-)

Anonymous said...

out of town, have been in holiday mode for eating but was 166 approx on my mum's non digital scales whcih is in range. Will weigh properly tomorrow and assess the holiday damage.