Thursday, 30 October 2008
Thankful Thursday
I am very excited and thankful about something, but it's not really my secret, so I can't tell you what it is. Maybe the person whose news it is will chime in in the comments!
I'm also thankful that I get to meet up with DebbieBoo today :) Talking of which, I need to head out the door very soon!
Wednesday, 29 October 2008
Challenge Check in
Victoria, are you writing in your journal?
Missy, are you drinking water between and with meals?
Christina, how's the late night snacking?
Bekki, did you make a meal plan and stick to it?
Jessica, did you clean on Thursday instead of Friday?
Debs, are you exercising? (Be careful!)
Brandi, are you meditating on the portion of scripture that you have meant to memorize?
Stephine, how's the H2O intake?
As for me, well, not near as perfect as I'd love to be but working towards my goals.
With that said, I must get off this computer in order to work on my habit change and my goals.
Tuesday, 28 October 2008
Pumpkin Soup
serves 4-6
cooking time: 35-40 mins
preparation time: 10-15 mins
60 ml Olive Oil
2 medium onions, chopped
5 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
1 tbsp sage
1.25 kg pumpkin, peeled and deseeded
1 carrot, chopped
3 sticks of celery, chopped
Red chilli, finely chopped, seeds and all
Salt and Pepper to taste
1 tsp ground allspice
A pinch on cinnamon
2 litres water (we're not entirely sure about this - it ended up pretty runny, but then my mum isn't sure we had as much pumpkin as they suggested, so perhaps use your own judgement when adding the water!)
Heat the oil in a heavy-bottomed saucepan and add the onions. Sweat over a medium heat for 5 minutes until the onions have started softening. Add the garlic and sage, and cook for a while longer until the onions have started releasing their sugars and the garlic has started filling the kitchen with a lovely smell.
At this point add the rest of the aromatic vegetables, the carrots and celery, with the pumpkin, chilli, cinnamon and allspice. Season generously with a few teaspoons of salt and freshly ground pepper and throw in a couple of bay leaves.
Carry on sweating the vegetables until the pumpkin has started to soften. Pour over the water and bring to the simmering point.
Simmer the vegetables until they are soft, about 15 to 20 minutes. Blend with a stick blender to create minimal washing*.
We served the soup with a few roasted hazelnuts and grated cheese on the top.
* Be careful with the blender, because if you get distracted, disastrous things can happen. Not that we'd be talking from experience, or anything.
Monday, 27 October 2008
Missy's Late Challenge Goals
By December 31, 2008 I will:
1. lose 8 pounds to get a few under 185
2. be consistently prompt (which includes posting in a more timely fashion!)
3. cook at least 5 evening meals at home each week
Reasons I MUST change:
1. to keep the pounds going down and breakthrough this 1 year plateau
2. to make plans that are solid but realistically flexible – stop overbooking or withdrawing: find a balance
3. to teach my children responsible habits
4. to be prepared, and yet surrendered to God
5. to find ways to save on the grocery budget so I can continue to be home with the kid
List 5 accomplishments needed to reach my Goal(s):
1. Drink water with every meal, and one glass between every meal
2. Eat only when I am hungry
3. Keep one calendar for the whole family and update daily
4. Take a moment each morning to plan the day
5. Take an hour each week to plan the week (meals, activities, shopping, etc.)
Tell me why.. I don't like Mondays
But today is a new day, a fresh start :)
How are you? Are you taking a fresh start, or continuing in a good groove? Where ever you are, go ahead and weigh in!
Friday, 24 October 2008
Cristina's Challenge Goals
1. Loose 10lbs. I'm currently at 188, so on 12/31 I will weigh 178 or less.
2. I will read 2 books: The Shack and The Beck Diet Solution: Train Your Brain to Think Like a Thin Person
3. I will clean out my closet and my daughters closet.
Reasons I must change:
1. To improve my health
2. So that my daughter grows up with healthy habits
3. To reduce the clutter in these closets so that they don't stress me out
4. I've been wanting to read The Beck Diet Solution to see if I can really train my brain to think like a thin person; if thin people really think differently and I can learn to think like them, then I will be one step closer to leading a healthier lifestyle
5. To get closer to my goal weight
List 5 accomplishments needed to reach my goal(s):
1. Quit the late night snacking (aka binges)
2. Journal what I'm eating on my blog
3. Set aside time in the evenings to read
4. Set aside time on the weeekends to clean closets
5. Make healthy food choices when eating out and over the holidays
Wednesday, 22 October 2008
Bekki's challenge goals
1. Lose a stone (14 lb).
2. Be regularly spending time with God each day.
3. Work through What Colour is my Parachute? by Richard N. Bolles to help me think through where I'm going in my career.
Reasons I MUST change:
1. I've been stuck around the same weight for months and it's time to shift it!
2. I've been trying to make myself happy with food and it doesn't work.
3. I want to have a healthy relationship with food where it isn't an issue or an idol.
4. I want to know God better.
5. I don't know what my next step in life is. I need to do some serious thinking about where next and not just drift along hoping that something will turn up.
List 5 accomplishments needed to reach my Goal(s):
1. Make a meal plan for the week and stick to it.
2. Stay away from sugar-filled cakes, especially flapjack. Replace them with healthy snacks (fruit, hummus and veg, low-fat cheese) or with water if I'm just thirsty or with doing something constructive if I'm just bored.
3. Plan time out from busy-ness, work, cleaning, shopping etc to spend just being with God, indoors or out, on my own or with others.
4. Plan time to read WCiMP and work through the exercises.
5. At least 30 minutes of exercise, 5 out of 7 days a week.
Today's the day!!
Thank you so much Stephine, Jessica, Victoria and Brandi for challenging yourself. You all have some wonderful goals.
Jessica's challenge goals
1. Lose ten pounds and then consistently weigh in under 190.
2. Read the Torah portion each week before Shabbat begins and spend at least some time in prayer/meditation.
3. Go to the gym at least three days a week.
Reasons I MUST change:
1. I've got good momentum going with weight loss right now, and I don't want to get stuck in a plateau. I want to keep losing.
2. I need to continue to strengthen my legs and arms.
3. When I don't exercise, I enter a vicious cycle...I don't want to go to the gym because I don't feel good, but then I don't feel good because I don't exercise...etc, etc.
4. Reading and understanding on some level the Torah portion deepens my understanding of and connection to God.
5. I'm tired of going into Shabbat morning services "cold," without warming up spiritually. Knowing the Torah portion that will be discussed helps me warm up.
List 5 accomplishments needed to reach my Goal(s):
1. Bring my own lunch to work most days of the week, rather than eat the school lunch. (I'm a teacher at a private school that provides lunch--mostly healthy but not South Beachy--for students and teachers.)
2. Remember to pack a snack for after work, before I go the gym. If I forget then I tend to skip the workout because I know I'll be too hungry to bike home afterwards.
3. Remember to pack my exercise shoes on my bike on days that I plan to go the gym.
4. Clean on Thursdays, rather than Fridays, so that I can have a quiet time and study time before lighting the Shabbat candles.
5. Make an effort on Sundays to learn the name of the upcoming Torah portion so that it's within my consciousness for the week.
Tami's challenge goals
1. Faithfully be spending time in scripture...not a set time but faithfully studying...digging deeper
2. Weigh 180 or less
3. Finish my current class for school
Reasons I MUST change:
1. To hide God's word in my heart
2. To not just accept God's word at status quot. To know and believe something because
I've studied and came to the conviction through studying
3. To be closer to being at a healthy weight...I don't want to become diabetic like all those in
my family
4. To feel better and to have more energy. I want to be a "Hot Mamma" for my husband.
5. Need to finish current class and move on.
List 5 accomplishments needed to reach my Goal(s):
1. Faithful time spent in prayer
2. Less time at the computer
3. Conscience food intake. Purposeful food intake
4. Faithfully set time aside a minimum of 4 days a week to study my schooling
5. Faithful time set aside each day for studying God's word
Debs' Challenge Goals
1. Weigh in at 200lb or less (currently at around 215)
2. Be exercising at least 3 times a week (hopefully more)
3. Tackle my confort eating - I realise that this is a biggie, but try to think about why I'm eating and do something more productive instead. I think this will involve some journaling too (sorry, this isn't a very specific goal!)
Reasons I MUST change:
1. To improve my health.
2. I've been stuck at this weight for ages, and it's getting boring!
3. Although I like how I look now, I know I'll like me even more when I lose some more weight.
4. I need the happy endorpines I get from exercise.
5. I've got really lax about eating and the weight seems to want to creep back on, so i need to get back into the right mindset.
List 5 accomplishments needed to reach my Goal(s):
1. Schedule exercise into my day - write it in my diary, so that it has to happen!
2. Stay away from chocolate, at all times of the month.
3. Stay on the beach, even at weekends - that's my time of weakness at the moment.
4. Journal some (if not all) of what i'm eating on my blog to stay accountable
5. Keep checking in with people, especially when things have gone wrong, rather than wallowing and letting them get worse (eg comfort eating)
Brandi's Challenge Goals
Specific Goals:
1. Memorize 5 scriptures
2. Use arm weights 4 times per week
3. Read the book, "Choosing Forgiveness" by Nancy Leigh DeMoss
Reasons I must change:
1. I want to hide God's word in my heart that I might not sin against Him (Psalm 119:11)
2. And so I will know the truth and the truth will set me free (John 8:32)
3. And so I can stand against the attacks of the enemy without having to take time to go look up a will be in my head already.
4. I want to have shapely arms to help fight genetics...all my female ancestors have flabby arms :-) I want to look my best for my hubby.
5. I want to be a woman who is characterized by a forgiving attitude because the Lord makes it so clear in scripture that He wants me to forgive.
Accomplishments needed to reach my goals:
1. Meditate on my 5 scriptures daily and quiz myself at regular intervals.
2. Use my scriptures in prayer.
3. Have my children quiz me.
4. Do my weights before lunch.
5. Read a chapter per week...that will even give me a "cushion."
You guys did a great job! This challenge is cool! :-)
Tuesday, 21 October 2008
Victoria's challenge goals
3. Journal everyday.
Reasons I MUST change:
2. To be obedient to God in this area of my life
3. To be able to keep up with my children
4. To feel better (I have been struggling with asthma)
5. Fit into smaller clothes…can’t afford to buy new and bigger clothing.
2. Eat more at home/stay away from fast food
3. Exercise 5-6 days a week
4. Drink 6 – eight oz of water daily
5. Pray!
Stephine's Challenge goals
2. exercise at least 3x/wk
3. Eat out less (maybe every Sunday after church only?
1. health
2. put an end to personal destruction (mental)
3. to be able to keep up with my kids
4. I've got to lower my stress level
5. The eating-out bill is kicking our tail
1. exercise more (at least 3x/wk)
2. Stop stressing so much
3. drink more h2o, I'm aiming for 48oz for now, up to 64+
4. cook more at home.
5. being faithful and trust more that God will help me achieve my goals
Monday, 20 October 2008
Here it is folks. Weigh away!
Don't forget to check out the challenge (post below this)
Saturday, 18 October 2008
10 Weeks to New Years Challenge
This challenge will last 10 weeks. Dec 31st is report day. Now, I understand that some of us will be doing other things on New Years Eve (have fun...I'll be snoozing) so you have 1 week to post your results and in your post I'd love to I'd love to know how you're feeling. Did you experience growth, triumphs, have any wow moments, any realizations? Results must be posted or emailed to me by the night of Tuesday, January 6.
So, what's the homework? What's the challenge you ask. Good question. This challenge will deal with each one of us and wherever we are in life. Whether you want to focus on weight, spending daily time with God, procrastination...wherever, whatever you want/need.
By December 31, 2008 I will: (give specific/realistic goals)
example: “lose 12 pounds”
example: “improve my health”
List 5 accomplishments needed to reach my Goal(s):
example: “drink a minimum of 64 oz per day”
Friday, 17 October 2008
Hear ye, hear ye
I can't wait to share all the nitty gritty little details with you.
Oh, and the gift package involves indulging yourself next year.
See ya soon!
Tuscan White Bean Soup with Prosciutto
2 tsp olive oil
1/2 c. chopped prosciutto or ham (about 2 ounces)
1 c. chopped onion
3/4 c. chopped celery
3/4 c. chopped carrot
1 garlic clove, minced
1 c. water
2 (19-ounce) cans cannellini beans or other white beans, undrained
2 bay leaves
1 (15.75-ounce)can fat-free, less-sodium chicken broth
2 TBL minced fresh parsley
2 TBL sherry (optional)
1/4 tsp black pepper
Heat the oil in a large stockpot over medium heat. Add the prosciutto, and saute for 2 minutes. Add the onion, celery, carrot, and garlic; saute for 2 minutes or until soft.
Add the water, beans, bay leaves, and broth, and bring soup to a boil. Partially cover, reduce heat, and simmer soup for 20 minutes.
Add the parsley, sherry, and black pepper; cook for 1 minute. Discard bay leaves.
Split Pea Soup
(vegetarian and a bit spicy)
Saute in large pot until nearly limp:
1 medium onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
generous 1/3 tsp. Ground thyme
I T butter
8 C water
1 lb. Split peas
3-4 large carrots, shredded
1 ½ tsp. Tony Chachere's Creole Seasoning
1/2-1 tsp. Salt
Bring to a boil. Reduce to simmer. Simmer, covered about 2 hrs, stirring occasionally. (A Crock Pot works well too.) It's done when the peas are mushy and falling apart. If too thick, thin with water, broth or milk. I usually serve soup with homemade bread. Enjoy!

CLEARFIELD, Pa. (AP) — A chef at a western Pennsylvania Italian restaurant ate a 15-pound burger with 5.2 pounds of toppings in 4 hours and 39 minutes. Brad Sciullo, of Uniontown, is the first person to successfully eat the huge burger at Denny's Beer Barrel Pub, said pub owner Dennis Liegey.The burger — called the Beer Barrel Belly Bruiser — include a bun, lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, onions, mild banana peppers and a cup each of mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard and relish.
When asked what possessed him to eat a burger that big, the 5-foot-11, 180-pound Sciullo said: "I wanted to see if I could."
Some days, I feel like doing this myself. Read the whole story here.
Thursday, 16 October 2008
Black Bean Soup
1 cup carrots, chopped
1 cup celery, chopped
1 cup onion, chopped
1 can rotel
3 cans black beans, undrained
1/4 cup fresh cilantro, minced
Simmer carrots, celery and onions in broth until tender. Add remaining ingredients. Cover, simmer 20 minutes stirring occasionally.
Serving size= 1 cup, 1 WW point per serving
Howdy Y'all
If you didn't guess from my title, I'm in Texas, Dallas TX.
My name is Cristina and I have been a part of OWOA since February 2007, I think that's when I stumbled upon the site.
I'm married and have a 4 year old daughter. I also work full-time outside of the home as a software developer.
Before I got pregnant, I had lost quite a bit of weight, approximately 70lbs, by following Body for Life. Towards the end of that journey, I switched to South Beach because I had hit a plateau. Then I got pregnant, had my daughter, struggled to get back into a routine and ended up putting on more weight. I was finally able to get back into the groove and figure out how to juggle home, husband, daughter, work, friends, life, etc.
I originally started on Weight Watchers weighing in at 252.5 I then switched to Body for Life, did a little South Beach, met with a nutritionist and now I just do my own thing...a combo of Body for Life/meal plan from nutritionist.
My problem is not lack of exercise, I LOVE LOVE LOVE to exercise. My problem is food. I love food...sweets to be exact. I do fine all day and then the sun goes down and my sweet tooth comes out.
Well, that's about it for now....OH! one last sister Claudia recently became on OWOA-er. :)
Wednesday, 15 October 2008
Yay for exercise
Actually, I think that it's helped me to get back to walking normally - I've been limping, but trying to get back to walking properly, but it's quite hard. On the treadmill you don't have time to think about how you're walking, you just do it. When I got off my walking was better than when I got on. Definitely a reason to keep it up. My mood was better too :)
Have you moved your body today?
Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Monday, 13 October 2008
Shake your groove thang
How's things with you today?
Why not weigh in..
Happy birthday to Bekki today, and please continue to keep Kimmi and her daughter and the whole family in your prayers.
Saturday, 11 October 2008
I cheated...
Hello out there....
I must admit, since the 25th of Sept. I've missed 2 days on the treadmill and 1 of the days I "made up for" by exercising 2x the following day. This is hugely in part because of Brandi's challenges over at her blog. Any hoots, I don't plan on taking the weekend off either. I do wish the scale would show the difference. I've had too many carbs this week. Not in a gluttonous fashion (with exception to the cookies one day and too many biscuits yesterday) just too many. My body is weird like that. I have to be cautious of how many starches I eat. I've also been on guard because I've had some serious desire for the starches. This would mean that it's time to scale WAY back on them. Big stuff this week though. I threw away all of the white flour, brown sugar and sugar substitute a couple days ago. I made the biscuits with stone ground wheat flour.
Well, I'm rambling. Too much coffee I suppose.
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.
Friday, 10 October 2008
Tomato soup
I have an abundance of tomatoes. While most everyone I meet has complained about their lack this year, God blessed us with more than I know what to do with. I've frozen them (take them out of the freezer, place under warm water and the skin comes right of...takes the place of stewed toms), I've canned tons of salsa, I've canned bbq sauce with them and I've dehydrated them with plans of putting them in oil. Despite all of these efforts, I still have more. So, my dilemma was what else can I do. We're not big marinara people so that would be a waste. My solution, tomato soup. Now mind you, I used to hate the stuff but lately...complete love. I thought I'd share my recipe for it.
Cream of Tomato soup
2 c. chicken broth
5 c. diced and seeded tomatoes
1/2 of a large onion, diced
1/2 c. diced celery
1/2 c. 1% milk
Add all of the ingredients BUT the milk to a pot and bring to a boil. Reduce to simmer. Allow to simmer until all veggies are soft. At this point I threw it into the food processor. I didn't completely puree it because I like a little chunk...makes me think hearty. Place the soup back into the pot, bring to a low boil and add milk. I continued to cook at a simmer for roughly 30 mins. This helped to reduce which creates a slightly thickened base. You could salt and pepper to taste...I personally avoid added salt. Also, basil would be a wonderful additive however I used dill this time around. I would say that this recipe makes 4 servings and when plugged into the calorie counter only comes out with around 67 calories. Not too shabby eh? This soup is paired up wonderfully with a salad and a yummy whole wheat biscuit. The soup is perfect for phase 1. My husband was out of town when I made this so I ate a bowl and then placed the other 3 servings in individual baggies and froze. It will be a perfect thing to pull out when I don't feel like cooking or when we forget to make Jeff's lunch.
Thursday, 9 October 2008
I have a problem
I guess it's not a horrible problem, but it's a problem nonetheless. I HATE belts and the only one I own is back in TX. I guess I can go out and buy one, but I don't even know how! And since my funds are extremely limited, I definitely can't buy new jeans.
What's a girl to do?
Thankful Thursday
I'm thankful for the beautiful sunny weather we've had the last couple of days.
I'm thankful for my friend who is a physio therapist and has been working on my ankle.
I'm thankful that God loves me and has a plan for my life.
[This is also an optional weigh-in]
[Boo, I hope I didn't jump on your toes by posting this!]
Wednesday, 8 October 2008
Better late than never?
My name is Jana and I've been around OWOA since the beginning. I started out at 212 lbs and in November of last year reached a final weight of 147. This summer I had my gall bladder removed and gained five pounds because I couldn't exercise or do much moving around at all. So now I'm somewhere around 149 and heading for that 145-148 area again.
It might not seem like much, but I am struggling. Struggling with exercising on a regular basis, struggling with not eating too much, struggling with eating the right things. A lot of this has to do with all the stress in my life right now - I homeschool, I'm teaching a high school level English class, and my husband is out of town (WAY out of town - in China) three weeks a month. Plus a lot of other stuff I won't get into. It's hard to sit down and plan weekly menus when I can't even find time to do a ten minute workout.
So that's how it is around here right now. I won't give up, but sometimes I do feel like I'm just hanging on by a thread!
What do you do?
So you slip, you have some cake even though you're not planning on it or you have 5 cookies (or the dough ;-)), or you eat fried oreos, or you eat to much yummy Mexican goodness, or chocolate, or even too much roast and vegetables for dinner, the point is that as soon as we are aware of what we are doing, we stop. We change. For that moment in time we commit to not continuing down the path the rest of the day.
So, my question to all of you is what do you do? Are you like me and frequently tell yourself you start again in the morning? If you want to share with the group what you do then by all means please do. We are here to support each other. To lift each other up in prayer. To be each other's cheerleaders.
Alright, I'm off to Amazon to add a few books to my wish list, look up recipes for home made tomato soup (I have a plethora of tomatoes this year), finish my cuppa decaf chai and crawl into bed with my new chronological Bible.
Fried Oreos
Atleast we all had a fantastic time at the fair!
Tuesday, 7 October 2008
A weak moment
Um, hello
Yes, I know lots of you weighed in, but you're allowed to write posts too ;)
How are things going today?
I am absolutely zonked. I cannot believe how tired I am. Hopefully I'll get an earlyish night tonight and that will help. Things are going ok dietwise - I'm still on the beach :)
Monday, 6 October 2008
What's your number?
Put your number down, and look forward with excitement to another week.
Please also tell me if you're interested in joining a challenge/competition. And whether you'd be willing to pay a small fee to go towards a prize..
Also also, can I do a quick poll and ask you what diet/way of life.. you're using to lose weight.
*Edited to add: I'm getting the impression that a free to enter challenge is the way to go. I will hopefully get around to typing up a post this afternoon (If the kiddos nap at the same time...!)*
Sunday, 5 October 2008
I fell off the phase one wagon today
It was cake. Birthday cake. I ate lots of cake this afternoon. I have a sugar headache, I don't feel good. I'm back to phase one from this moment on.
(and I have a feeling I won't like my weigh in tomorrow, but I'll do it anyway. Promise!)
Saturday, 4 October 2008
Thursday was
Friday, 3 October 2008
Food Friday! - The South Beach Phase One edition
However, unlike me, Nikki probably doesn't want to survive a couple of weeks on phase one just eating curry, so... what have you got?!
(I'll try to post another recipe later, cos I feel like this is a bit of a cop out).
Also, new competition/challenge launching soon (Once I've got my head around it!). There will be exercise stuff and other food/life/God related challenges. (Just to make it really confusing!)
Since I'm rules out of exercising at the moment, I'll be judge ;). I'm not sure about the entrance fee/winnings side of it at the moment.
Leave me your ideas in the comments. Pretty please.
Hmm, 6 minutes left. Better get back to eating curry...
Thursday, 2 October 2008
my intro...

Sorry to overwhelm you with posts
Claudia, Cristina, Jana, Julie, Missy and Stephine (who I believe will be writing hers very soon ;) )
come out of the woodwork and share a little about yourselves. It'd be great if you could also share a photo of yourself. If anyone needs help with how to write a post or how to upload photos then I'm here to help!
Kellie and Mandi, where are you? You still need to accept your invites to be able to write posts on the blog :)
Psst, Nikki...
Thankful Thursday/Optional Weigh-in
Hello, my name is Kimberly, and I'm...

Wednesday, 1 October 2008
Phase One Recipe
Just click over to see the recipe..
Indian Vegetable Curry
Anyone else have a phase one recipe they would like to share? Let's have that as a theme for Food Friday this week. (I know not everyone is doing south beach, so please don't get mad at me, think of it as helping out a friend!)
(and even if the recipe has been shared before on the old site, you can share it again here, cos I still haven't finished tagging the recipe archive, so it's a bit hard to find recipes when you're looking for them. If you are trying to hunt down a recipe on the archives site, let me know and I can give you a hand)